Was a heavy smoker for years and then smoked a couple of times this new year trying to cut back. I have a drug test coming up in April that I’m worried about. My plan is to drink a shit ton of water and work out, but will that be enough you all think?
Is it just me (probably just me), or have you guys noticed that Isaiah and Hunter have some preferences when they read stories. Like, you can see which one is somewhat more excited when they read their lines.
Isaiah is more into religious and cosmic horror which reflects on his videos in his main channel, while Hunter seems to lean more into body and grotesque horror, and that can be seen on his creature's designs and props.
However, both are very uncomfortable reading scary stories usual relating to child assaults, which is very understandable and relatable, even if the stories are "good".
But what do you guys think? Maybe these factors can help when submitting the stories to them?
So my wife is about to get surgery in 2 weeks, her recovery time is 6 weeks. Is there a way to her doctor to make some type of memo or letter of recommendation for me to be put on leave or if I can be put on PTDY Status for the duration of her recovery time so my leadership and command can approve it? Already talk to my first line and PSG and they didn't had an answer for my question and aren't really trying to get me an answer so here I am, again.
I have a ton of rooted clippings in water that I want to plant. Tell me your best soil concoction. Also, bad idea to repot in the winter? I’m in cali so it’s not like it snows weather is 60 degrees here.
Like what is going on? Its late january when its supposed to be coldest time of the year (don't quote me on that) and im comfortably wearing shorts and a t-shirt (not that i'm complaining), sure there has been some cold days but they were so few and not that cold.
This is just something that came up when i was talking with friends but i'd like to hear u're thoughts
Ich, Studentin, habe einen Internetvertrag bei der Telekom von einer Laufzeit von 2 Jahren.
Ich würde diesen gerne kündigen, kann es aber nicht, da die Mindestvertragslaufzeit bis Juni 2026 ist.
Laut TKG hat man ein Sonderkündingsrecht bei Umzug ins Ausland.
Ich werde dieses Jahr für 10 Monate ein Auslandssemester beginnen und wollte daher fragen, ob dieses Sonderkündigungsrecht trotz der Befristung auf 10 Monate bestehen bleibt?
Vielen Dank!
Selling Taylor Tomlinson’s sold-out show at the Chicago Theatre on Friday, 2/14 at 7 PM. Row K (Seats 213-215) are $162 each and Row LL (Seats 211-209) are $190 each. Prices are negotiable. DM if interested!
Like what is going on? Its late january when its supposed to be coldest time of the year (don't quote me on that) and im comfortably wearing shorts and a t-shirt (not that i'm complaining), sure there has been some cold days but they were so few and not that cold.
This is just something that came up when i was talking with friends but i'd like to hear u're thoughts
hello! this is my first time posting here, but i need to get this off my chest.
i lost my vape yesterday and ended up buying a new one today. it wasn’t cheap, and now i feel so guilty—I could’ve saved that money for something better.
i’m 19(f) and have been vaping since i was 17. it’s not something i want to do forever, and honestly, i wish i hadn’t gone back to the vape shop. living in berlin, where everyone smokes or vapes (especially at my university), makes it harder to quit.
i also have severe health anxiety, ocd, and adhd, which only make things worse. i’ve noticed random physical symptoms over the past couple of years, and part of me thinks vaping might be the cause. i’m terrified of the long-term effects, but quitting feels overwhelming.
my family and friends don’t know i vape, and i’m afraid they’d be disappointed. i’ve been hiding it, and losing my vape yesterday felt like a sign to stop. but instead of quitting, i bought another one.
it’s not about the nicotine anymore—it’s just a habit, tied to an oral fixation i’ve had since i was a kid. i’m thinking of finishing the juice i have and trying to quit after that, but i don’t know.
any reassurance that my body can recover, that i’m not doomed to die young, or tips for quitting would mean so much. thank you!